Hello! We're here to answer your Queenstown questions.

Planning a holiday in Queenstown isn’t easy! With so many options, start times, distances to travel, restaurants to consider and weather to juggle... it can be overwhelming.

Luckily you’ve got us Queenstown locals to ask all your questions to!

Consider us your Queenstown Concierge.

How to plan your Queenstown adventure

Book a Curated Package

Our curated packages are carefully designed to maximise your time and travel efficiency, catering for different activity types and length of visit. One booking and your holiday is sorted... no more research required. Simply arrive and enjoy!

Book your own itinerary

If planning is your passion you can book directly with us. We'll still be your single point of contact in Queenstown and offer other hints and tips!

  • Review our curated list of Queenstown activities
  • Choose a Date, Time, Guest Details and 'Add to Cart'
  • Repeat for all activities, then Checkout and Pay
  • We'll lock in your schedule and ensure you don't miss out

Plan your holiday with us

We live here & we love it! Get the local’s inside perspective on the adventure capital of the world!

Talk with us via the online chat button
Email us on the Contact Us page

We’ll respond as a priority letting you know all the local knowledge, answering your questions and being your Queenstown Concierge!

Collect Ideas

We’ve curated the best of the best in Queenstown to ensure your holiday is perfect.
Luxury Escapes, Adrenaline Chasing, Sightseeing and more... we’ve got it!

Start Browsing Here:

These are our "Local's Choices"! 
We think these are some of the best of the best in Queenstown and are worth considering.
Luxury Escapes, Adrenaline Chasing, Sightseeing and more... we’ve got it!